What is Dropshipping and How Does It Work

What is Dropshipping and How Does It Work

What is Dropshipping

Do you know what is dropshipping and how does it work? Earnings on dropshipping can be described simply, it is earnings on the sale of other people’s goods with their own margin. In fact, you are selling goods on the Internet, putting your markup, just as if they were in your warehouse. But don’t confuse dropshipping with different affiliate programs.

What is Dropshipping and How Does It Work

After all, if you decide to work in dropshipping, then you have much more opportunities, since you can work with several suppliers at the same time. Accordingly, you will have more potential buyers. And you can earn by selling related products.

sell online and earn

For example, if a person buys children’s toys from you, then there is a high probability that he will be interested in children’s clothing, as well as other children’s products.

After all, you sell the same goods, you just do not have them in stock, and they are sent to the buyer directly from the manufacturer or supplier.

This is the main advantage of dropshipping, you do not risk your funds by investing in the purchase or production of goods, but simply make a profit when a person makes a purchase from you.

How to Start

First of all, you need to choose a niche in which you will work. Since if you sell everything at the same time, you are unlikely to succeed. Stores with a large assortment of goods require a lot of investment in advertising and promotion in search engines, so they are not suitable for beginners.

The next step is searching for a good supplier. Try to avoid intermediate retailers, since they get their commission too. You can consider the most famous Chinese online store Aliexpress.

What is Dropshipping and How Does It Work

Then you need to create a platform where you will sell the products. You can use CMS platforms. Most of CMS have different plugins and modules for dropshipping stores. Also, you can use Wix or Shopify. There are many dropshipping stores on the internet which use these two platforms.

When everything is set up, you need to advertise your store to attract more buyers to your store.


The main advantage of dropshipping is that you don’t need storage the goods by yourself. So, it is a great way to make money selling without much investments. Now you know what is Dropshipping and how does it work, so you can start to make money on it.

Read also: 5 Best Products to Sell Online

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