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If you have heard somewhere that earnings on email marketing can bring you around $100,000 per month, then it’s not really true. But, it doesn’t mean you won’t make money with email marketing. And today’s analysis is a kind of motivation for you to start implementing email marketing for yourself. Because making money with email marketing is more than real.
5 Steps to Making Money with Email Marketing
Yes, it’s true, email subscription can really help you and make any money you want. No need to listen to any marketing “guru” who say that email marketing is no longer working and selling something via email is no longer realistic. Everything works if you know how to start the process correctly from the very beginning.

Therefore, at the end of the article, you will have a clear step-by-step plan for how to make your first email campaign.
Let’s start with the main basic concepts, without which further actions have no meaning.
What is email marketing
I don’t know if you’ve thought about it, but most Internet entrepreneurs are making money with email marketing. They receive a huge share of their earnings from email campaigns.
The e-mail subscriber base is the engine of all businesses on the Internet. And the level of income of entrepreneurs depends on how well they work with it. Moreover, I personally know several projects that do not sell anything at all. They just regularly develop their subscriber database and recommend the services of their partners.

But you may come across the opinion that email campaigns have long ceased to work. Yes, this is partly true: people pay less and less attention to emails. However, another truth is that social media and landing page sales are even less effective. So giving up the income that high-quality work on email subscription can bring is at least silly.

Another important point: if you work well with your audience, you can achieve an open rate of up to 70%. This means that you can sell to one person several times. This qualitatively distinguishes email marketing from landing pages and advertising on social networks, where it is very difficult to keep people’s attention on your proposal for more than 10 seconds.
With email marketing, the situation is completely different: if a person opened your letter, then he is already interested in reading it. There is little work left to do: write such a letter correctly.
So, let’s start with the most important step. This is the choice of the niche in which your subscriber database will be formed.
Step #1: Choosing the subject of email
Selecting the right subject to your email is the first and most crucial step. It is a core of making money with email marketing.
It would seem that when choosing a niche, everyone says the same thing: you have to work in a topic that you like and then the money will come. This is a controversial statement. For example, one very good specialist from the USA often repeats: the only thing in this world that I like to do is to lie in a hammock under a palm tree, but few people will pay me money for this.
Therefore, be realistic: some topics may not make a lot of money, even if you really like them. Try to choose a topic that you know is profitable and that you like. It would be enough. Moreover, there are not so many such topics:
- Money and earnings on the Internet
- Parenting
- Healthy food
- Body care
- Sports and sports nutrition
- Sex and relationships
- Wildlife Survival (only if you live in the USA)
Read also: Learn and Earn Money with Wealthy Affiliate?
The list is small, but the most important thing is that the topics are broad. What does it mean? Let’s say you are going to make an email marketing on the topic: “How to make sure that your neighbours never flood you”. And in a month you will not know what to write about. It sounds paradoxical, but most of those who teach to make money on the Internet say the opposite: your niche should be the narrower the better.
In the beginning it will seem to you that there are already very cool experts in these topics and you are very far from them. Yes, it is true, but if you know what and how to write, then readers will love you. At least for your sincerity.
Also, when choosing a topic for your email subscription, remember that you are not choosing a topic for life. As soon as you want to change it, you can do it easily, since you will already have some experience in this matter.
Step #2: Choosing the email marketing services
Remember, that if suddenly you do not like something in the selected resource, then it will be very difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to transfer the database that you collected bit by bit, to another resource. Some services set such high requirements for database transfer that it is easier to start building it from scratch.

By the way, special email marketing platforms are not the only way for making money with email marketing campaign. For example, you can do it by hand, by typing email addresses one by one, but I don’t think this method is acceptable. However, there are people who still do it. I do not recommend this method, because when a person receives such a letter, he/she will be able to see a list of addresses of all those who received this message beside him. And such letters often goes directly to the “SPAM” folder. I am sure that you have personally seen such emails.

You shouldn’t completely ignore the possibility of sending emails through special programs. In addition, if you buy such a program, then once, and all subsequent updates will be available for free. This is perhaps the only advantage of this type of mailing. Because there are two significant disadvantages that negate the advantages:
Technical setting. It will take a long time to pick all the checkmarks and buttons to set up such a program.
Database. They will have to be stored on your computer as Excel files.
And many more of these emails will end up in the same “SPAM” folder and your earnings from email newsletters will be completely different from what you expected. Therefore, choose the service that suits you best, if you are really interested in making money with email marketing.
Step #3: How to build a subscriber database
Let’s move on to the more interesting part. And here, at this step, beginners really have problems. Where to get the base for email marketing from? And, first of all, the question is exactly how to do it for free?
Note that even if you build your first subscriber database for free, you will still be paying something. For example, your time. The maximum that can be free, it is a cheese in a mousetrap.
What exactly would I do now if I had just started? To promote a site you need a sufficient amount of time, buying someone else’s database is a waste of time. Paid advertising can be launched if you already have a budget. Therefore, you can start with a mutual promotion, or leave a link to your subscription wherever it is possible.

As much as we want it, but in order to start making money with email marketing, we have to sell something to our subscribers. The only question is what exactly.
Step #4: What you can sell with email marketing
So we come to the most sacred question – the issue of monetizing the subscriber database via email. In our world, we can only get money from people in exchange for some value. And making money with email marketing is not a magic pill, but just one of the ways to make other people know about your offer.
If you have done a good job on the topic of the niche in which you want to make money, then you should understand that only 2 fundamental things can be distinguished:
- You can sell your product (product or service)
- You can recommend others (products or services of partners).
The first method is perhaps the most profitable. But it is suitable for those who already have their own product, or those who are definitely going to create such a product. In most cases, such products are related to information business: when we sell information to other people. However, this is not always the case. There are successful examples of selling car repair services, apartment renovations, and home delivery of pizza.

Or, for example, you have absolutely no knowledge or desire to make your own products. In this case, you can sell other people’s product or service. It is clear that in this case you will receive less money, but, on the other hand, you will save a lot of time.
Apart from this, it is possible to make money with email marketing by selling affiliate links. What it is? Each promoted service on the Internet, in order to become even more promoted, makes so-called affiliate programs. You are given a link, you send this link to your database, and you will receive a partner reward from each sale using this link.
Read more about Affiliate marketing.
In the case of affiliate marketing, I highly recommend selling services of services where payment is not charged once, but at a certain frequency: every month the buyer will spend some amount of money on the selected service or product, and some of this money will come to you. The downside is that usually, this money is small, but you can use several affiliate marketing. And besides, this money will come to you steadily every month.
As for the amount of earnings you make on email marketing, then no one can tell you anything for sure. But I have something to advise.
Step #5: How much you can earn email marketing
Most people think that the more subscribers you have in your email database, the more you can earn. Is it logical? Of course, yes, but there is one more important detail that few people talk about it out loud.

It is very important to understand from what type of traffic a person came to you: hot or cold? It is an important point for making money with email marketing. Hot traffic is the people who are in real pain and want to solve it right now. And this is the kind of traffic that I recommend for email databases.
As a result, the same number of subscribers to the base will give you different purchase conversions. In the case of your promoted site, these indicators will be much higher than in the second case.
For several reasons: you can personally get bored with them as an author, or they have solved all their pressing issues in your niche. Or the user once went to the email box and forgot about it.
Here you need to work better with your database. For example, manage your list: you can simply delete users from your database. For example, delete the user if he/she didn’t open letters from you for 3 months.
On the other hand, there is such a term as “raw” database. When subscribers have just signed up, they do not know if they can trust you, and therefore they are in no hurry to buy paid products from you right away. In this case, they say that the base needs to settle down a little.
That is why, in the beginning, you should make a series of emails with really useful free content. And after a certain time, when the subscriber gets used to our presence, we can try to offer him a paid product. Remember, customers need to be warmed up.
The main point of the email marketing is that you need to know how to conduct email campaigns and write really cool letters.
But we are all human and we were not born with this skill. Therefore, you will have to learn how to create email campaigns that will definitely open and follow links.
Keep in mind that normal conversion rates for links within an email is around 5%. How to achieve such results? Clean your list regularly. And follow a few rules:
- The email should have a catchy title. Such that it would be desirable to open it.
- In the body of the letter, give no more than 2 links to your product or just content.
- Frequency of mailing per week – 3 letters. Not more and not less often.
- The content of the emails shouldn’t sell straight ahead. Be more interesting to the reader. Remember that your letter should entertain the subscriber.
Follow these 5 steps to making money with email marketing and you will see how your income will change.