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If it is not the first post you read on that site, then you may have already know that you can make money on the website. And if you want to make money on the website, you need to own it. There are 2 methods to get a website: create or buy. Both of these methods have pros and cons. personally, I prefer to create the website. And below I will explain 5 steps to create the website.
Read more about How to Monetize Your Website
5 Steps to Create the Website

Step 1: Choose the topic
The most important thing is to choose the topic of your site. You need to decide what will be your site about. Will it be a content website or e-commerce? You may say that you don’t care about the topic of your site, you just want to make money. But in that case, the site topic is even more important. You should make a market research on the most popular topics.
Step 2: Register domain and hosting
The next step is choosing the domain and hosting. You can use free platforms like Blogger, etc, which provides free hosting and a subdomain. For example, you can create a blog on the Blogger and your free domain will something like
However, free platforms offers a limited features, so they have less functionality. And if you want to get something more, you need to pay. And if you want to add a contextual advertisement like Google Adsense, A-ads etc, you need to have a proper website which will allow you to do it. In other words, you will have less chances to make money on your website.
If you want to have a site with all functions, which will bring you more money, I would suggest you to buy a unique domain with hosting. You can check Namecheap, WebHosting,, Bluehost, Rebel and other platforms which has comparatively low prices and great service.
Step 3: Design your site
When you got your domain and hosting, you can start to work on your website design: configure settings, choose the theme, create a menu, set up widgets etc. You should make your site looks attractive and interesting. It is like a candy. Most likely people will buy candy in a beautiful package than an ugly one. Even if the second candy is more delicious.
Don’t worry if you don’t know what I am talking about. You will understand what is what and how it works, when you started to do it. In addition, most of the CMS platforms have free instructions, FAQ, communities, where you can find all necessary information.

Step 4: Install plugins
Another important step is adding the plugins to your website. Plugins will help to create the website and to manage it. Plugins make your site more attractive, more functional and easy to use. Also, some plugins will help you to create a better content, which is important for the site traffic and promotion.
Also, if your site is an e-commerce site, then you definitely need special plugins (adding products, payment system etc).
Step 5: Fill in your site
If all steps above are done, it means you created the scratch for your website, and now you can start to fill your site with the content. You can do it by yourself or hire someone on Fiverr, who will do it for you. But it will be extra expenses, unless you have a friend who is ready to create content for you for free. Try to create quality content, because search engines show to users only quality content.
These are the basic 5 steps to create the website. And each of them is very important. But at the same time it is not so difficult to do it. Just complete each step one by one and then move the step #6 – make money on the website.
Read also: How to Monetize Your Website