How to Promote Your Blog with BlogClicker

One of the most important element of any business is promotion. Even very good product needs in a good promotion. Your blog is also a kind of business or product. Especially, if you want to make money on it. There are plenty of different services which can help you to promote your blog, and in that post we will discuss how to promote your blog with BlogClicker for free.

How to Promote Your Blog with BlogClicker

How to Promote Your Blog with BlogClicker

What is BlogClicker

BlogClicker is a traffic exchange platform. The service has a very simple registration and interface. You just need to fill in the sign-up form. And right after you click Join button you will get a confirmation email with all details: necessary links, your ID and PW. And from that moment you can start to promote your blog.

From my personal experience, I wouldn’t call BlogClicker the best platform to promote your blog, but it is definitely of the platform which will help you to get free traffic to your blog. And if you don’t have enough money or don’t want to spend much money on blog promotion, then for sure you should consider BlogClicker as one of promotion tools for your blog.

How does it work

The main idea of that platform is that you surf other people blogs and earn credits. Then you can spend these credits on the promotion of your blog. In other words, you can promote your blog with BlogClicker for free.

Surf blogs and earn credits

You will get the link to blog surfing right after registration on the platform. In the surfing window you need to view the page for around 18 seconds and then solve the numerical captcha, i.e. choose the number shown on the cells.

You can surf as many pages as you want, and earn as many credits as you want. If you want to earn even more credits, you can refer your friends.

To start promoting your blog you need to add the links first. I will show you how to do it below.

How to add my blog

In the top of the page you can see the main menu. You need to go to the Options tab and click on your Account there. In the opened window you will see your account details and account menu.

How to Promote Your Blog with BlogClicker

In that page you can find your referral link, your credits summary, cash summary etc. In the account menu choose Manage blogs.

get free traffic for your website

In the opened window you will see Blog manager part, where you can check all your blog links which you added before. If you didn’t add any links before then that part will be empty. And the second section is Add Blog, where you just need to enter your Blog URL, and click on the Save button. And your link will be automatically added to the Blog Manager section.

promote your website for free

In the Blog Manager section, you can manage all your links. You can activate or pause the promotion, assign credits, delete the link etc. You can assign credits manually or turn on the automated mode.


In that post, you learned how to promote your blog with BlogClicker for free, and as you can see, it is very easy and free. BlogClicker users database is not so huge yet, but it is growing up. Therefore, it can be a great complement to other promotion platforms.

Check other platforms to promote your blog for free:

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